
Source of the Mozilla Thunderbird extension "Correct Identity"

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Thunderbird Add-on "Correct Identity" (V2.x.x)

This add-on now works with Thunderbird versions > 67.

It's a perfect alternative/continuation

which don't work anymore because Thunderbird switched to new Plugin API framework called WebExtension.

The add-on comes in 5 different languages. Here is a screenshot of the settings window:

Settings window


This add-on update is not yet available at the official Thunderbird add-on store, but will be avialable soon on the update channel (https://addons.thunderbird.net/de/thunderbird/addon/correct-identity/).

Steps for installation (local build):

  1. Download this repository
  2. In the repository folder, execute ./make_xpi.sh to create an .xpi file
  3. Open Thunderbird, go to /Add-ons/, and click /Install add-on from file/
  4. Choose the .xpi file in the repository folder

The .xpi files come in two flavours:

  • correct_identity_vX.Y.Z.xpi is a version which could (in theory) be released to the official Thunderbird add-on store
  • correct_identity_vX.Y.Z_dev.xpi has the same content, but has no limitation on the highest supported Thunderbird version ("strict_max_version"). Use this version to test this add-on on newer Thunderbird versions not known at date of the add-on release. (Feedback welcome).

The add-on can now be configured in the add-on manager tab.

Alternatively you can directly download an .xpi file from the "Releases" section.

Development & Contributing

  1. Fork this repo and download it with git pull
  2. Call ./make_xpi.sh in the repo
  3. In Thunderbird, Menu /Extras/ → /Development Tools/ → /Debug Add-ons/
  4. /Load temporary Add-on/ and select the .xpi file
  5. Then you can press /Reload/
  6. Send us a pull request!

Note that you have to generate a .xpi file with the same name whenever you change the source code. You can use a file watcher like inotify to automate this.

In Menu /Extras/ → /Development Tools/ you'll also find a dev console and more debugging tools.


Many thanks to @dennisverspuij, the original author , and to @ldreier who ported this add-on to Thunderbird 67!


Before this fork:

Here is the old version of Correct Identity which doesn't work on Thunderbird versions > 67.