
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blockchain Founder. Week 5.

DApp "Casino Ethereum"

Based on https://medium.com/@merunasgrincalaitis/the-ultimate-end-to-end-tutorial-to-create-and-deploy-a-fully-descentralized-dapp-in-ethereum-18f0cf6d7e0e

To get access just go to https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipns/QmawAyhL433WQDQDLPChzm989fW9sqnjp718rrPu9qFwq8 when and if my IPFS daemon is running )

How to build and deploy from scratch. Nodejs and truffle should already be installed.

Install dependencies

mkdir ethereum-casino
cd ethereum-casino
truffle init
npm init
npm i --save react react-dom babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-react babel-preset-env css-loader style-loader json-loader web3@0.20.0 babel-polyfill babel-register babel-preset-stage-2 babel-preset-es2015
npm i -g http-server webpack webpack-cli json-loader 

Update source code

Make dirs in project root:

mkdir src
mkdir src/js
mkdir src/css
mkdir dist

Replace file in project root with one from https://github.com/zidorov/bf-week-5/tree/master/casino-ethereum-demo


Add files to project from https://github.com/zidorov/bf-week-5/tree/master/casino-ethereum-demo:


Test and deploy contracts

Compile contracts using truffle:

truffle compile

Deploy contracts in ganache:

ganache-cli -l 8000000
truffle migrate

Test contracts:

truffle test

Deploy contracts in Rinkeby. Start Geth:

geth.exe --rpc --rpcport 8547 --verbosity 2 --fast --rinkeby console

Unlock account in geth console:


Deploy contracts to Rinkeby:

truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby

Write down Casino contract number, e.g. 0x78b45d4e5e5b1d9426b3eadd48dc13e157dc1fee

Get Casino.sol contract ABI:

solcjs --abi contracts/Casino.sol -o build/contracts/

Update code and build using webpack

Update ABI and contract address in file src/js/index.js

const MyContract = web3.eth.contract(<put contract ABI here>);
this.state.ContractInstance = MyContract.at("<put contract address here>")

Build dist/build.js:


Test locally

http-server dist/

Go to http://localhost:8080 to test.

Deploy to IPFS

install IPFS https://ipfs.io/docs/install/

Init IPFS node:

ipfs init

Run IPFS daemon

ipfs daemon

Now publish dist/ dir to ipfs:

ipfs add -r dist/

example output:

added QmWiLswt1STr1BhXsxtnAki3cp43gJsU4LbDXeZ2SKcz6c dist/build.js
added QmW1zu8pRP1Cb9yiRz5z2HqtYhmzZuGMyoopZKxvyGPuSG dist/index.html
added QmZJy7nbfx2EXfRfHuWcMyNft7afDNnsEo6JvB7vvYb34q dist

Publish in IPNS using dist/ hash:

ipfs name publish QmZJy7nbfx2EXfRfHuWcMyNft7afDNnsEo6JvB7vvYb34q

example output:

Published to QmawAyhL433WQDQDLPChzm989fW9sqnjp718rrPu9qFwq8: /ipfs/QmZJy7nbfx2EXfRfHuWcMyNft7afDNnsEo6JvB7vvYb34q

Now DApp is accessible via IPFS

IPFS addresses (changes every time if file/dir is changed)

Public gateway: https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmZJy7nbfx2EXfRfHuWcMyNft7afDNnsEo6JvB7vvYb34q

Local gateway: https://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmZJy7nbfx2EXfRfHuWcMyNft7afDNnsEo6JvB7vvYb34q

IPNS addresses (constant even if file/dir is changed)

Public gateway: https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipns/QmawAyhL433WQDQDLPChzm989fW9sqnjp718rrPu9qFwq8

Local gateway: https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipns/QmawAyhL433WQDQDLPChzm989fW9sqnjp718rrPu9qFwq8