Echidna smart-contracts fuzzing.

How it works:

  • Tests should contain invariants that are always true or always false.
  • Test contracts should inherit main contracts and add invariants.
  • Invariant should assert() on some condition.
  • Echidna is a smart-contracts fuzzing analayzer. Written in Haskell.
  • Echidna applies randomized input data to the smart-contract public methods.


  • Corpus should be shared for subsequent fuzzing action runs
  • Corpus should be separate for each contract
  • assert() is not supported by Echidna 1.x + Solidity 0.8+. Use emit Event as a workaround
  • Test contract should setup proper environment for better fuzzing results, eg prepare factories, tokens, oracles, etc.
  • Test contract should add helper methods for preprocessing user data, eg add checksum, set bits, calculate hashes, etc. Otherwise fuzzer will never reach certain code branches.
  • Test contract should hide methods that should not be tested.