
Control an IPFS daemon (go-ipfs or js-ipfs) using JavaScript!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ipfsd-ctl, the IPFS Factory

Codecov branch Dependency Status js-standard-style Bundle Size

Spawn IPFS daemons using JavaScript!

Lead Maintainer

Hugo Dias

Table of Contents


npm install --save ipfsd-ctl


Spawn an IPFS daemon from Node.js

// Start a disposable node, and get access to the api
// print the node id, and stop the temporary daemon

const IPFSFactory = require('ipfsd-ctl')
const f = IPFSFactory.create()

f.spawn(function (err, ipfsd) {
  if (err) { throw err }

  ipfsd.api.id(function (err, id) {
    if (err) { throw err }


Spawn an IPFS daemon from the Browser using the provided remote endpoint

// Start a remote disposable node, and get access to the api
// print the node id, and stop the temporary daemon

const IPFSFactory = require('ipfsd-ctl')

const port = 9090
const server = IPFSFactory.createServer(port)
const f = IPFSFactory.create({ remote: true, port: port })

server.start((err) => {
  if (err) { throw err }

  f.spawn((err, ipfsd) => {
    if (err) { throw err }

    ipfsd.api.id(function (err, id) {
      if (err) { throw err }


Disposable vs non Disposable nodes

ipfsd-ctl can spawn disposable and non-disposable daemons.

  • disposable- Creates on a temporary repo which will be optionally initialized and started (the default), as well cleaned up on process exit. Great for tests.
  • non-disposable - Requires the user to initialize and start the node, as well as stop and cleanup after wards. Additionally, a non-disposable will allow you to pass a custom repo using the repoPath option, if the repoPath is not defined, it will use the default repo for the node type ($HOME/.ipfs or $HOME/.jsipfs). The repoPath parameter is ignored for disposable nodes, as there is a risk of deleting a live repo.

Batteries not included. Bring your own IPFS executable.

Install one or both of the following modules:

  • ipfs - > npm i ipfs - If you want to spawn js-ipfs nodes and/or daemons.
  • go-ipfs-dep - > npm i go-ipfs-dep - If you want to spwan go-ipfs daemons.


IPFSFactory - const f = IPFSFactory.create([options])

IPFSFactory.create([options]) returns an object that will expose the df.spawn method

  • options - optional object with:
    • remote bool - use remote endpoint to spawn the nodes.
    • port number - remote endpoint point. Defaults to 43134.
    • exec - IPFS executable path. ipfsd-ctl will attempt to locate it by default. If you desire to spawn js-ipfs instances in the same process, pass the ref to the module instead (e.g exec: require('ipfs'))
    • type - the daemon type, see below the options
      • go - spawn go-ipfs daemon
      • js - spawn js-ipfs daemon
      • proc - spawn in-process js-ipfs instance. Needs to be called also with exec. Example: DaemonFactory.create({type: 'proc', exec: require('ipfs') }).
    • IpfsApi - A custom IPFS API constructor to use instead of the packaged one

example: See Usage

Spawn a daemon with f.spawn([options], callback)

Spawn the daemon

  • options is an optional object the following properties:

    • init bool (default true) or Object - should the node be initialized
    • initOptions object - should be of the form {bits: <size>}, which sets the desired key size
    • start bool (default true) - should the node be started
    • repoPath string - the repository path to use for this node, ignored if node is disposable
    • disposable bool (default true) - a new repo is created and initialized for each invocation, as well as cleaned up automatically once the process exits
    • defaultAddrs bool (default false) - use the daemon default Swarm addrs
    • args - array of cmd line arguments to be passed to ipfs daemon
    • config - ipfs configuration options
  • callback - is a function with the signature function (err, ipfsd) where:

    • err - is the error set if spawning the node is unsuccessful
    • ipfsd - is the daemon controller instance:
      • api - a property of ipfsd, an instance of ipfs-api attached to the newly created ipfs node

example: See Usage

Get daemon version with f.version(callback)

Get the version without spawning a daemon

  • callback - is a function with the signature function(err, version), where version might be one of the following:
    • if type is 'go' a version string like ipfs version <version number>
    • if type is 'js' a version string like js-ipfs version: <version number>
    • if type is 'proc' an object with the following properties:
      • version - the ipfs version
      • repo - the repo version
      • commit - the commit hash for this version

Remote endpoint - const server = IPFSFactory.createServer([options])

IPFSFactory.createServer starts a IPFSFactory endpoint.

  • options is an optional object the following properties:
    • port - the port to start the server on


const IPFSFactory = require('ipfsd-ctl')

const server = IPFSFactory.createServer({ port: 12345 })

server.start((err) => {
  if (err) { throw err }

  console.log('endpoint is running')

  server.stop((err) => {
    if (err) { throw err }

    console.log('endpoint has stopped')

IPFS Daemon Controller - ipfsd

The IPFS daemon controller (ipfsd) allows you to interact with the spawned IPFS daemon.

ipfsd.apiAddr (getter)

Get the address (multiaddr) of connected IPFS API. Returns a multiaddr

ipfsd.gatewayAddr (getter)

Get the address (multiaddr) of connected IPFS HTTP Gateway. Returns a multiaddr.

ipfsd.repoPath (getter)

Get the current repo path. Returns string.

ipfsd.started (getter)

Is the node started. Returns a boolean.

init([initOpts], callback)

Initialize a repo.

initOpts (optional) is an object with the following properties:

  • keysize (default 2048) - The bit size of the identity key.
  • directory (default IPFS_PATH if defined, or ~/.ipfs for go-ipfs and ~/.jsipfs for js-ipfs) - The location of the repo.
  • pass (optional) - The passphrase of the key chain.

callback is a function with the signature function (err, ipfsd) where err is an Error in case something goes wrong and ipfsd is the daemon controller instance.


Delete the repo that was being used. If the node was marked as disposable this will be called automatically when the process is exited.

callback is a function with the signature function(err).

ipfsd.start(flags, callback)

Start the daemon.

flags - Flags array to be passed to the ipfs daemon command.

callback is a function with the signature function(err, ipfsApi) that receives an instance of Error on failure or an instance of ipfs-api on success.

ipfsd.stop([timeout, callback])

Stop the daemon.

callback is a function with the signature function(err) callback - function that receives an instance of Error on failure. Use timeout to specify the grace period in ms before hard stopping the daemon. Otherwise, a grace period of 10500 ms will be used for disposable nodes and 10500 * 3 ms for non disposable nodes.

ipfsd.killProcess([timeout, callback])

Kill the ipfs daemon process. Use timeout to specify the grace period in ms before hard stopping the daemon. Otherwise, a grace period of 10500 ms will be used for disposable nodes and 10500 * 3 ms for non disposable nodes.

Note: timeout is ignored for proc nodes

First a SIGTERM is sent, after 10.5 seconds SIGKILL is sent if the process hasn't exited yet.

callback is a function with the signature function() called once the process is killed


Get the pid of the ipfs daemon process. Returns the pid number

callback is a function with the signature function(err, pid) that receives the pid of the running daemon or an Error instance on failure

ipfsd.getConfig([key], callback)

Returns the output of an ipfs config command. If no key is passed, the whole config is returned as an object.

key (optional) - A specific config to retrieve.

callback is a function with the signature function(err, (Object|string)) that receives an object or string on success or an Error instance on failure

ipfsd.setConfig(key, value, callback)

Set a config value.

key - the key of the config entry to change/set

value - the config value to change/set

callback is a function with the signature function(err) callback - function that receives an Error instance on failure


Get the version of ipfs

callback is a function with the signature function(err, version)

IPFS HTTP Client - ipfsd.api

An instance of ipfs-api that is used to interact with the daemon.

This instance is returned for each successfully started IPFS daemon, when either df.spawn({start: true}) (the default) is called, or ipfsd.start() is invoked in the case of nodes that were spawned with df.spawn({start: false}).

ipfsd-ctl environment variables

In additional to the API described in previous sections, ipfsd-ctl also supports several environment variables. This are often very useful when running in different environments, such as CI or when doing integration/interop testing.

Environment variables precedence order is as follows. Top to bottom, top entry has highest precedence:

  • command line options/method arguments
  • env variables
  • default values

Meaning that, environment variables override defaults in the configuration file but are superseded by options to df.spawn({...})


An alternative way of specifying the executable path for the js-ipfs or go-ipfs executable, respectively.


ipfsd-ctl can be packaged in Electron applications, but the ipfs binary has to be excluded from asar (Electron Archives). read more about unpack files from asar.

ipfsd-ctl will try to detect if used from within an app.asar archive and tries to resolve ipfs from app.asar.unpacked. The ipfs binary is part of the go-ipfs-dep module.

electron-packager ./ --asar.unpackDir=node_modules/go-ipfs-dep

See electron asar example


Project structure:

├── defaults
│   ├── config.json
│   └── options.json
├── endpoint                    # endpoint to support remote spawning
│   ├── routes.js
│   └── server.js
├── factory-client.js           # IPFS Factories: client (remote), daemon (go or js) and in-proc (js)
├── factory-daemon.js
├── factory-in-proc.js
├── index.js
├── ipfsd-client.js             # ipfsd (Daemon Controller): client (remote), daemon (go or js), in-proc (js)
├── ipfsd-daemon.js
├── ipfsd-in-proc.js
└── utils                       # Utils used by the Factories and Daemon Controllers
    ├── configure-node.js
    ├── exec.js
    ├── find-ipfs-executable.js
    ├── flatten.js
    ├── parse-config.js
    ├── repo
    │   ├── create-browser.js
    │   └── create-nodejs.js
    ├── run.js
    ├── set-config-value.js
    └── tmp-dir.js

4 directories, 21 files


Feel free to join in. All welcome. Open an issue!

This repository falls under the IPFS Code of Conduct.
