

About the project

This repository contains the Frontend app for Karakata. It is an idea that focuses on solving digital and online business owners day to day customer retention problems by using technology and automation (using the Artificial Intelligence model).

The problem faced

The inability of business owners to easily reach and keep up with a wide range of customers concerning sales and product availability, unpaid invoices follow up, customer retention, estimating a customers lifetime value, custom kind of frequent communication to keep interaction between every old and new customers with the business activities.


To have a web tool where sales and customer satisfaction are automated by using communication (starting with automated Whatsapp messaging). The app will be able to generate and send receipts and invoices to customers as at when due by making the sales process easy as well.

Tech Stack

Client: VueJS, Vuex, TailwindCSS

Server: Golang, Docker, PostgreSQL,

Tools and Cheatsheet

Before running the project locally, make sure the following have been installed:

  • Node
  • NPM
  • Vue 2

Libraries and packages used:

Useful Links:

Building the app locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/segsalerty2013/karakata-online.git

Go to the project directory

  cd karakata-online

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run nodemon

Building the app in Docker

Build docker image

  docker-compose build

Start the server

  docker-compose up

Code Standards

  • Folder names should be in camelCase e.g components, getStarted, auth
  • Vue files should be in PascalCase e.g Home.vue, TheFooter.vue, BaseInput.vue
  • Make sure to run npm run lint before pushing any code.
  • Never use v-if on the same element as v-for

VueJS Style

All code must meet the Style Guide. This makes certain that all code is the same format as the existing code and means it will be as readable as possible. Any code written otherwise will not be approved.

Contributing Guide

We believe in having everyone contribute and helping us cook our beans. This guide will give you all the information you need as regards contribution.

Welcome! We are glad that you want to contribute to our project! đź’–

As you get started, you are in the best position to give us feedback on areas of our project that we need help with including:

  • Building the project UI and screens
  • Connecting these screens to an API (To be provided)
  • Problems found during setting up a new developer environment
  • Gaps in our quickstart Guide or documentation
  • Bugs found in our apps

If anything doesn't make sense, or doesn't work when you run it, please open an issue report and let us know!

Ways to Contribute

We welcome many different types of contributions including:

  • Web design
  • New features
  • Bug fixes
  • Documentation
  • Issue Triage
  • Code Review

Come to meetings!

Absolutely everyone is welcome to come to any of our meetings. You never need an invite to join us. In fact, we want you to join us, even if you don’t have anything you feel like you want to contribute. Just being there is enough!

You can find out more about our meetings here. You don’t have to turn on your video. The first time you come, introducing yourself is more than enough. Over time, we hope that you feel comfortable voicing your opinions, giving feedback on others’ ideas, and even sharing your own ideas, and experiences.

Find an Issue

We have good first issues for new contributors and help wanted issues suitable for any contributor. Issues tagged good first issue](https://github.com/segsalerty2013/karakata-online/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) has extra information to help you make your first contribution. help wanted are issues suitable for someone who isn't a core maintainer and is good to move onto after your first pull request.

Sometimes there won’t be any issues with these labels. That’s ok! There is likely still something for you to work on. If you want to contribute but you don’t know where to start, please have a look at all the pending issues

Important !

Once you see an issue that you'd like to work on, please post a comment saying that you want to work on it. Something like "I want to work on this" is fine. Also, make sure to assign the issue to yourself so others know someone is already working on it.

Ask for Help

The best way to reach us with a question when contributing is to ask on slack.

  • The original github issue
  • The developer mailing list
  • Our Slack channel

Sign Your Commits


Licensing is important to open source projects. It provides some assurances that the software will continue to be available based under the terms that the author(s) desired. We require that contributors sign off on commits submitted to our project's repositories. The Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) is a way to certify that you wrote and have the right to contribute the code you are submitting to the project.

You sign-off by adding the following to your commit messages. Your sign-off must match the git user and email associated with the commit.

This is my commit message

Signed-off-by: Your Name <your.name@example.com>

Git has a -s command line option to do this automatically:

git commit -s -m 'This is my commit message'

If you forgot to do this and have not yet pushed your changes to the remote repository, you can amend your commit with the sign-off by running

git commit --amend -s 

Pull Request Checklist

When you submit your pull request, or you push new commits to it, our automated systems will run some checks on your new code. We require that your pull request passes these checks, but we also have more criteria than just that before we can accept and merge it. We recommend that you check the following things locally before you submit your code:

  • It passes tests: run the following command to run all of the tests locally:

    npm run test
    npm run lint
  • Impacted code has new or updated tests

  • Documentation created/updated

  • We use GitHub Actions to test all pull requests. We require that all tests succeed on a pull request before it is merged.

  • Follows all the code standards required.