
A sample C extension for Blade.

Primary LanguageC

Demo C extension for Blade


$ cmake -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBLADE_ROOT="/path/to/blade/ext/root/folder"
$ cmake --build build --config Release

All compilers supported for building Blade are supported. See the sample CMakeLists.txt file for how to build your C extension.

Where is blade.h

The blade.h file is available when you build Blade (starting from version 0.0.6) inside the includes folder. This demo extension shows how to link to it directly from CMakeLists.txt file.


Copy the built library file in the build directory to the dist folder in your Blade installation path.

Your library file is the file ending with .so if you are on a Linux server, .dylib if you are on OSX or .dll if you are on Windows.


import demo

# module variables
echo demo.version

# module function say_hello()
echo demo.say_hello()

# module class and method
var klass = demo.MyClass()
echo klass.shout('James')

You get get an output similar to this:

Hello, World
Hello James, Welcome to my Blade C extension


Licensed under Blade's MIT license