
A friendly package manager for the Blade programming language

Primary LanguageBladeMIT LicenseMIT

License Coverage Status Version


Nyssa is the official package manager for the Blade programming language. It is also a self-hostable repository server that allows you to easily manage and distribute packages for your Blade projects.


Nyssa CLI

The browsable repository website.

Nyssa Repository


  • Create packages.
  • Manage application dependencies
    • Install package
    • Uninstall package
    • Update (Install without specifying a version)
    • Restore package
    • Publish package
  • Built-in hostable repository server.
  • Publish package to public and private repositories.
  • Nyssa repository server public API.
  • Nyssa repository server searchable frontend website.
  • Manage publisher accounts.
    • Create publisher account
    • Login to publisher account
    • Logout from publisher account
  • Custom Post-Installation script support.
  • Custom Pre-Uninstallation script support.
  • Generate application/library documentation.


  • Clone the repository to the desired host directory using the command below:

    git clone https://github.com/blade-lang/nyssa.git
  • Add the full path to nyssa to path (steps depend on operating system).


To read the documentation, see the Getting started guide on the website.


We welcome contributions from the community. Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more information on how you can help.


Nyssa is released under the MIT license.