
A website which can satisfy WCAG standardard

MIT LicenseMIT

A website with accessibility and UDL


• Provide a review of the literature (see general paper guidelines)

• Develop a user friendly informational and resource site that include resources, other supportive links, visual, and text needed to explain the information provided. Candidates must use my.vanderbilt.edu (https://my.vanderbilt.edu/help/) to create their website. No other websites will be accepted.

• Add your advisor as the co-owner.

• The website must consider accessibility and universal design for learning (UDL),and must follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag) and obtain approval. Be sure to review the government’s accessibility requirements are tied to Section 508: https://section508.gov/content/learn and the WACG standards: https://www.w3.org/WAI/

• Websites must be analyzed by one of these sources and candidate must submit the analysis. Examples: assistive technology, instructional strategies, law. Note. For an example of accessibility evaluator see the Squarespace website link for more information https://www.squarespace.com/?channel=word_of_mouth&subchannel=customer&source=footer&campaign=4fd1028ee4b02be53c65dfb3