Deep constrained clustering applied to satellite image time series

This is the code corresponding to the experiments conducted for the work "Deep constrained clustering applied to satelliteimage time series" (Baptiste Lafabregue, Jonathan Weber, Pierre Gançarki & Germain Forestier) This work was presented at MACLEAN workshop at ECML/PKDD Conference 2019 (


Experiments were done with Python 3.7 and the following packages:

  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Keras
  • Pandas
  • Scikit-learn
  • Scipy

This code should execute correctly with last versions of these packages.


The dataset used for the paper is not available but it can be tested on time-series datasets, such as as the UEA archive: univariate or multivariate. The script ts_to_a2cnes_format can be used to convert sk-time format files to our format.


Training on the UCR and UEA archives

To train a model on the Mallat dataset from the UCR archive you have to train first an autoencoder with mlp or fcnn architecture:

with fcnn: python Univariate Mallat --itr "1" --epochs=700 --batch_size=8 with mlp: python Univariate Mallat --itr "1" --epochs=200 --epochs_final=400 --batch_size=8

Then, you can train the constrained clustering as follow: python fcnn Mallat 5 0.1 --archive_name Univariate --itr "0" --ae_weights "ae_weights/fcnn/Mallat1/Mallat-pretrain-model-700_z10.h5" --batch_size=8