
React component that implements depth maps, adding a 3D effect to 2D images

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Depth Map Component

React component that implements depth maps, adding a 3D effect to 2D images

This component was adapted and abstracted from an older repo developed by Yuri Artiukh here

The gyroscopic functionality was removed because Apple now requires a user-activated approval. ( too many steps for a good user experience )

Follow the photoshop portion of This Tutorial to help you make the assets needed for this component.

alt text

To Use

npm install react-depth-component
import ImageDepthMap from 'react-depth-map'


  • The component grows to the size of it's container ( or the natural size of the images )
  • The images are loaded into a canvas, beware of cross-domain issues. Load either relative local paths or from domains that have the proper CORS policy
Prop Type Value Default
originalImage Path '' NA
depthImg Path '' NA
verticalThreshold Int 1 - 25
horizontalThreshold Int 1 - 25
reverseMotion Boolean true, false false
respondTo String mouseMove, scrollOnX, scrollOnY, scrollOnBoth mouseMove