understanding OOP in Java

Parts 1&2 inspired by Tim Buchalka tutorial on Java

###Part 1

// create a new class for a bank account // create fields for the account number, balance, customer name, email and phone number // create all getters and setters // create two additional methods // 1. to allow the customer to deposit funds(increment the balance) // 2. to allow the customer to withdraw funds, but not become overdrawn (balance < 0)

Part 2

// create a new class VipCustomer // it should have 3 fields; name, creditLimit and email // the 1st constructor is empty and calls the constructor with 3 parameters // the 2nd passes on 2 values and defaults a 3rd // the 3rd should save all fields // create getters

Part 3

// Refactor your code so that VipAccount extends BankAccount // Override the withdraw method so that the credit line is available // Refactor the constructors