
@blakbot23 is a Twitter bot built with ruby. It can tweet, retweet, and reply to mentions. Built with Ruby.

Primary LanguageRuby

Twitter Bot

@blakbot23 is a twitter bot built with ruby. It can tweet, retweet and reply to mentions. At different time intervals, it tweets fun facts about ruby, retweets tweets about coding, and searches and replies to mentions. For the mentions, it can answer salutation, purpose, and opinion questions.


Built with

  • Ruby
  • Scheduler


  • Ruby
  • Twitter

Getting started

To access the code to this bot,

  1. Clone this repo to a directory of your choosing
  2. Run bundle install

The last line in the bin/main.rb file scheduler.join has been commented out to allow Rspec to finish during testing. Start by uncommenting it for excecution, but remember to comment it out during testing.


After cloning the repo and installing the required gems by running bundle install, the next thing is to get access to the bot account. To do this,

  1. Log in into your twitter developer account, developer.twitter.com to get api and token access keys.
  2. Copy the four keys
  3. In the project directory navigate to the bin/main.rb and the spec/tests_spec.rb files and paste the keys in the appropriate fields. For example replace CONSUMER_KEY with your new consumer key, and so on.

Alternatively, you can find these keys in the project review request form.


  • To interact the bot, simply mention it in one of your tweets @blakbot23, or visit the home page to see some of its tweets and retweets.
  • You can change the rate the bot tweets or retweets by changing the values at the scheduler in the bin/main.rb. For example, the bot retweets after every 2 minutes. This is denoted as follows:
scheduler.every '2m' do

Run tests

After replacing the consumer and token keys on the spec/test_spec.rb,

  1. Comment out the last line of bin/main.rb scheduler.join
  2. Run rspec in your terminal to run tests.


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.