Student Enrollment

This is a simple CRUD application on Ruby on Rails that allows users to Add, Display, Update and Delete a student.


Built With

  • Ruby on Rails

Live Demo

Here is a Live link of the app hosted on Heroku.

Getting Started

Clone this repository to get a copy of this project.

  • Open your terminal
  • Run git clone
  • Open the project with your favorite code editor.
  • Ensure Yarn packages are installed using yarn install
  • Ensure the Gem files are also installed by running bundle install
  • To setup your the database, run db:create, followed by db:migrate
  • Finally to view the project, run rails s, and visit http://localhost:3000 from your browser.


👤 Peter Mbuthia

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to check the issues page

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