Karkinos is a part of DAAC (Data as a Content) project. This project stores all raw files (image, code, etc) for each project I created.
Data analysis in this part is limited to descriptive, diagnostic or prescriptive analysis.
Problem Statement. Problem statement is about problem that we are trying to answer. In data analysis, it is crucial to have a question about what will be found out.
Data Collection. Data collection is a process to collect the data, either it is through API or direct downloading the data from the source.
Data Cleaning. Cleaning up the data to make the data is ready to be analyzed. Some actions such as handling missing values, handling outliers, and checking data format are needed.
Data Exploration. The technique to generate data exploration in this section is by answering some business question, and then display the data to answer them. The question asked should support the main problem statement.
Conclusion. Conclusion is important part of the data analysis. It is strongly recommended to have conclusion in each analysis.
For modeling standard, the following flow will be applied
When try to build a machine learning model, it is important to know the goal of the model and what kind of the problem that we want to answer/solve.
Data collection is the first step in data modeling world. The source of data to be collected can be as follow:
Company's database system
Scraping from internet
Pooling data from publication/printed material
In this part, the data will get summarized on a top level to understand about what is the data about, how many features they have, what each feature is talking about, etc. The following activities can be done to understand the data.
Checking the summary of the data regarding their columns, rows and total observations
Checking missing values to be explored further using EDA to define the strategy to deal with them.
Checking the validity of the data type and name standard to make the data to be ready to be analyzed.
Exploratory data analysis or also known as EDA is a step to explore the data even deeper and further to find some pattern in the data. I usually divide the process into three part.
Univariate analysis. In this type of analysis, every single data is explored and get deeper understanding. In this part, we can check the distribution of the data, check if the outlier needs to be normalized or accept the values as it is, and so on.
Bivariate analysis. In this type of analysis, each independent variable will be compared against the target (dependent variable).
Multivariate analysis. Sometimes, we know that some independent variables have an effect towards the dependent variable. In order to make sure their relationship, we can use multivariate analysis to explain that.
Data preprocessing is a step that we have to do after exploring the data and find some insights regarding the data condition. Here, more advance and complex calculation might be done to preprocess the data. The following things might be done in the data preprocessing part.
Data splitting. In this part, the data will be divided into three (3) parts.
Data training
Data testing
Data validation
Data cleaning. In this section, we will deal with the following:
Handling missing values. To filling the missing values, we have to ensure that we will only use data from training set to avoid data leakage.
Handling outliers
Data conversion (if any needed).
Feature creation
Feature engineering
Feature extraction
Feature transformation
Feature scaling
Feature normalization
Label encoding
Feature selection
Data modeling is the final part of the machine learning flow. It consists of the following steps:
Model training. The first step in data modeling is training the data to fit the model that we have. There are so many machine learning model that might not work best for every situation but some of them might work best on our problem. Hence, fitting or training many model will help us finding the best one.
Model evaluation phase I.
Model selection
Model tuning
Model evaluation phase II
Model deployment.