
Initiates bootstrapping for new laptops

Primary LanguageShell


Initiates bootstrapping for new laptops

Before running, make sure the following is completed:

  • You have been invited to the Blake-Education organisation and been added to the appropriate team
  • You have accepted any invitiations sent to you

The command below will start the process for boot strapping your machine for the Blake working environment. Initially it will want to setup access to GitHub with ssh keys, so please follow any on-screen instructions.

Copy and paste the command below into a terminal to get going:

bash <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blake-education/bx-solo/master/init.sh)

This will take a few hours, as it has a lot to setup. For the most part, it can be left to do it's thing, but you will be prompted multiple times for your password, perhaps to Y to proceed, or some other user input necessary.

At these times, installation will stop, waiting for you to enter something before it can carry on

Please remember to check back every now and again to see how we're getting on.