
Parse Web Plot Digitizer projects to CSV.

Primary LanguagePython


Parse Web Plot Digitizer projects to CSV.

This script aggregates data scraped from papers with Web Plot Digitizer. This folder has subfolders associated with papers, which have a "paper.toml" describing the year of publication, the authors of the paper, and the paper name itself. Each paper folder has subfolders for each image processed by Web Plot Digitizer, which should have a "fig.jpg" or similar file, a "wpd_project.json" resulting from exporting the processed data from Web Plot Digitizer, and a "paper.toml" file indicating the figure number that the data was scraped from. Be sure to assign sensible names to each dataset in the Web Plot Digitizer GUI, because this also finds its way into the final data.

Reference: https://gist.github.com/caiofcm/1088c9b62f0968b665a91f15ff23d447