New version of bulletin center for Franciscan University of Steubenville built with Create React App & Material UI. You can checkout the FreeCodeCamp YouTube Channel for live coding sessions & details of this project.
To navigate your way through applications built with Create React App & perform common tasks visit the offcial guide here.
About MyFranciscan
MyFranciscan helps to connect students, faculty, staff, and guests of Franciscan University in one place. Visit the portal to get more information.
If you are interested in contributing to the project then checkout this repo. You will need node
(v7.6 or later) & npm
installed. You can also use yarn
instead of npm
. Now start the process with the following:
> git clone https://github.com/fus-marcom/bulletin-react.git
> cd bulletin-react
> npm install or yarn install
> npm start or yarn start
Not Familiar with Git?
You can just download the .zip file. Extract the contents, then move to the project directory, open your terminal, and use:
> npm install
> npm start
Now Fork the project from here, make your changes and open a Pull Request.
Learning Git
Those who are not yet familiar with Git but want to learn more about how to use it, check out these resources to dive into git workflow -