
generate noise image

Primary LanguagePython


1. 基本介绍




噪声来源 干扰形式 表现形式
对抗 随机干扰 白雪花斑点
单频干扰 网状条纹
电磁干扰 斜形网纹
接地干扰 黑色条纹
工频干扰 宽暗条纹、雪花噪点
机动 振动 图像模糊
噪声 高斯噪声 高斯噪点
泊松噪声 泊松噪点
椒盐噪声 椒盐噪点
成像 色相 色彩
饱和度 色彩纯度
亮度 亮度

2. 代码结构

├── __init__.py
└── noisy_image.py  # 加图像噪声

3. 实践

step1. pip install -i https://pypi.doubanio.com/simple -r requirements.txt

step2. python noisy_image.py noisy --input_dir=../data/input/img/ --output_dir=../data/output/img/ --mode=sp --prob=0

python process_image.py [TYPE] [OPTION] 
Add noise of various types to a floating-point image
	noisy   noise type include gausss, poisson,sp,snow,trip
	enhance  enhance type include brightness,color,contrast,sharpness
	--input_dir: str
		Input image dirs
	--output: str
		Output image dirs
--mode : str
    	One of the following strings, selecting the type of noise to add:
    	- 'gauss'   Gaussian-distributed additive noise
        - 'poisson'  Poisson-distributed noise generated from the data
		- 'sp'  Randam switch point add salt and pepper noise
		- 'snow` 	Randam switch point change white 
		- 'stripe` 	Randam switch point generate stripe noise
		- 'net`	 Generate net noise
    --mean: float, optional
        Mean of random distribution.
        Defualt: 0. Used in 'gauss'.
    --var: float, optional
        Variance of random distribution. 
        Default: 100 Used in 'gauss'
    --amount: float, optional
        Proportion of image pixels to replace with noise on range [0, 1]. 
Default:0.05 Used in 'sp'.
Default:0.05 Used in 'snow'.
    --prob: float, optional
        Proportion of image pixels to replace with noise on range [0, 1]. 
		Default:0.2 Used in 'sp'.
    --gap: int, optional
       	Image segment width
		Default:10 Used in 'strip' and 'net'.
    --width: int, optional
Stripe width
Default:5 Used in 'width' and 'net'.
    --degree: int, optional
        Stripe degree
Used in 'stripe' and 'net'.
    --color: str, optional
		Used in 'stripe and 'net'.
		Color parameters in ['black','white', 'bright']
If this parameter is None, image point normal distrubite.
		--value: float, option
			Set color bright, this parameter mush set.