Boise Frontend Meetup Presentation History

This is a listing of all of the presentations and their associated notes and presenter information from past Boise Front-end Meetups.


Standard Length Talks

Josh Unger

Lightning Talks

Taylor Bell

  • topic: Fixing webpack woes caused by an I.E. vm
  • presentation: n/a
  • twitter: @taylorbell

Scott Sword

  • topic: Vue.js - An opinionated overview
  • presentation: n/a
  • twitter: @scott_sword

Daniel Ryan

Blake Dietz

Larry Beck

  • topic: IOT Dashboard
  • presentation: n/a
  • twitter: n/a

Mike ?

  • topic: Reagent - React native mobile development in clojurescript
  • presentation: n/a
  • twitter: n/a

Proposed Topics for Future Presentations

We're now polling for topics after each meetup to help give future presenters ideas:

  • ES2015 an overview
  • functional programming in the real world
  • JSX
  • NativeScript
  • Immutability
  • Memory management on the client
  • Canvas and svg
  • Accessing native geolocation APIs in the context of hybrid applications
  • Ionic 2
  • The differences between HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 2.0
  • Webpack: One step past the tutorial phase
  • Tree shaking react
  • hyperterm (terminal built in js)



Blake Dietz

Steve Smith

Jeremy Zerr & Andrew Chumich (Zerrtech)

  • topic: State of Angular - Insights from ng-conf 2016
  • twitter: @jrzerr



Steve Smith

Ben Hofferber