
Modular Koa router middleware with Express-style routes and middleware mounting

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Modular Koa router middleware with Express-style routes and middleware mounting.


npm install kroute --save


Kroute exports a function which can be used to create router instances that work with Koa middleware.

var koa = require('koa')
var kroute = require('kroute')

var app = koa()
var router = kroute()



A router can be initialized with default handlers based on a resourceful routing object.

  use: authorizeUser(),
  index: function* () {},
  create: [function* () {}, function* () {}]

Actions are mapped as follows:

GET     /                 ->  index
GET     /new              ->  new
POST    /                 ->  create
GET     /:id              ->  show
GET     /:id/edit         ->  edit
PUT     /:id              ->  update
DELETE  /:id              ->  destroy

The object can also contain a use property which is mounted before any routes.


Every router instance can used to attach request handlers.

router.get('/user', function* () {})

Omitting the path name will ensure the handler is always executed when the method matches.

router.post(function* () {})

Every route method accepts multiple middleware handlers.

router.delete(authorizeUser(), function* () {})

All Methods

Every router provides a .all method for attaching request handlers to every method.

router.all(function* () {})

It accepts a path and multiple middleware like any other method.

router.all('/', authorizeUser(), function* () {})

Mounting Middleware

Every router comes with the ability to mount middleware and handlers.

var mount = kroute()

router.use('/users', mount)

As long as the middleware follows the Koa generator pattern, it can be mounted.

router.use('/users', function* (next) {
  console.log(this.url) //=> "/123" -> Stripped the route prefix.

  yield next

Like other methods, .use also accepts multiple request handlers and an optional path.

router.use(authorizeUser(), function* () {})


Every path can be dynamic and use Express-style parameter notation.

router.get('/:user', function* () {
  console.log(this.params.user) //=> "123"

Every match is stored in the params as an object.

router.get('/:foo/:bar', function* () {
  console.log(this.params) //=> { foo: "123", bar: "456" }

The route can also be a regular expression.

router.get(/^\/blog\/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\/?$/i, function* (next) {
  console.log(this.params) // => { 0: '2014', 1: '03', 2: '17' }


Every method returns it's own instance, so routes can be chained together like Express.

  .get('/foo', function* () {})
  .post('/bar', function* () {})


Every method accepts an options object as the last argument.

router.get('/foo', function* () {}, { strict: true, sensitive: true })
