Java 8 is not a new topic anymore. There are many good books published on it. Still I meet many Java developers unaware of the power of Java 8. The goal of this microbook is to cover some of the most important Java 8 features and how they can help developers in their day to day programming. This is based on my 7 days with Java 8 blog series.
Please contribute if you see an error or something that could be better! Raise an issue or send me a pull request to improve. Contributions of all kinds, including corrections, additions, improvements, and translations, are welcome!
- Default and Static Methods for Interfaces
- Lambdas
- Streams
- Collectors
- Optionals
- Map improvements: Not written yet
- Building functional programs: Not written yet
- Date Time API
- Completable Futures: Not written yet
- Nashorn
- Tools: Not written yet
- Annotation improvements
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