
Assignment / Pill: Assembler Institute of Technology -- OOP Basics with PHP

In this assignment, all files are examples provided to practice differenct basic concepts in OOP. A library service and books were used as a reference or practical exaqmple throughout the assignment. You can find a description of each file's content in "Project files".

Table of contents

Getting Started

The repo

Assembler repo used as guide, instructions, and to outline file structure.


OOP Basics Practical

Task is to create an organized file structure to complete the pill assignment.

Project files

Add base-class Book

Add properties to base class Book and instantiate object to view object.

Add methods to Book class, including getters and setters.

Constructor and Destructor functions added to Book class.

Basic 'Collection' child class created from Book parent class.

'Collection' child class expanded with properties, functions, getters, setters, as well as static properties and functions.

Override is used to change behavior of property and function, within class Collection.

Abstract class Books is created. Book class is extended from Books and properties and functions are moved or created inside Books.

Interface libraryService is added as an example. |Class Connection is added to implement libraryService and add functionality to implemented functions.