
Backup odds and ends to Google Drive with ease.

Primary LanguagePython

Google Drive Backup

Backup odds and ends to Google Drive with ease.

You'll have to install the following modules:

  • colorama
  • pydrive


  1. Run the "DriveList.py" script to authenticate yourself and grab a list of folder IDs.
  2. Rename "Settings.sample.py" to "Settings.py" and modify it to your liking, with your list of folders / files you want to back up, in a format that looks like: ['Human Readable Title', '/Path/To/Source', 'GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID'] where "GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID" is the ID of the proper folder found in the "DriveList.py" output and edit the timing (in seconds) to something that will best work for you. Additionally, you can add more files to exclude from the Last Modified checks, as files that are automatically generated by the system can cause a folder to be backed up even without any real changes to the contents.
  3. Set it and forget it!

Unrelated, I'm aware my code sucks.

TODO: Figure out Windows shenanigans and why I can't delete any archives. (Anti-Virus maybe?)