
P2P Encrypted File Sharing In Your Browser via WebRTC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Server: https://instafile.io

To Run:

    cd site
    npm install
    grunt serve

To Ship:

  1. A paragraph/sentence
  2. A drop target
  3. A button


A job may be staffed by one or more persons. All jobs offer equal equity stake in the project. Do a job, have equity. Equity is worthless until we ship and make money (See To Ship).

  • Chief Interface Officer - We need to show users what the software does/is doing. You, the CIfO, make this happen.

  • Chief Integration Officer - We need to be able to send links out over every known text-based platform (think email, text message, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc., etc.). You, the CIO, make this happen.

  • Chief RTC Officer - We need to actually transfer files. Basically you just need to selectively take code from the facerace repo, or roll your own. You, the CRTCO, make this happen.

  • Chief Chief Officer - We need to do everything else necessary to ship. You, the CCO, make this happen.

Apply yourself.