
A simple python script that uses a csv file to write thank you letters for gifts. Uses the OpenAI API.

Primary LanguagePython

AI Thank You Writer

This repo uses a simple python script to write thank you letters for gifts based on user csv file. Uses OpenAI's ChatGPT API.

Get Started

Clone the Repo:

Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/blakemartz/AI_thank_you_writer.git

Environment Setup

In order to set your environment up to run the code here, first navigate to the AI_thank_you_writer directory and install all requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

OpenAI API Key

You will need the OpenAI API key to run this, get your OpenAI key from here

Enter your OpenAI API key in the text file "openai_api_key.txt". Only enter the API key. Do not use any quotes or variables.

*Using the free OpenAI API, the script will take approximately 20 seconds per guest. You can customize the timer as you see fit.

Customize the script:

In the main.py file, customize the variables OCCASION and SIGNATURE.

For example: OCCASION = "Wedding" SIGNATURE = "Love, John and Jessie"

Update local files

Make sure to replace "guest_list.csv" with your own file. Make sure your "guest_list.csv" has two columns titled "name", and "gift"

Run main.py

To generate your thank you letters, run main.py The script will generate "thank_you_letters.csv". Letters will print in the terminal as they are generated. The output csv will be generated with all letters once complete.


  1. Customize the names in your csv with their relationship to get more personal responses. Example: "My sister Sandra"

  2. Add details to the OCCASION to get more specific responses. Example: OCCASION = "My wedding, which was almost a year ago"