- agumonkeyNONE
- alandipertSouthern California
- anqurvanillapy@Shopee
- arichelGermany
- BernardTatinFrance
- camsaul@metabase
- ceezAustin, TX
- concorr
- daveloyallOmaha, NE
- DavidDeSimone
- Ferada@ShiftLeftSecurity
- fogusCognitect / Nubank
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- ianclarksmithNew York, NY
- jaspertraversSan Diego
- JMC-design
- joergen7adesso SE
- jozip@2130AB
- kdltrFrance
- keitaFukuoka, Japan
- klmanionBalitimore, MD
- larsbrinkhoffGothenburg, Sweden
- lassik
- LdBeth
- litchie
- NeoChen1024Taichung, Taiwan
- noahfriedmanCenter for the Study of Sudden Cranial Expansion
- pablomarx
- peterwang
- pietrobraioneUniversitĂ degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
- ravipintoOracle
- shaunlebronPear Land
- TeamSPoon@TeamSPoon
- tessiof
- TheFausap
- tsbg