
World's best restaurants

Primary LanguageTypeScript

World's Best

Create google map lists for the world's best restaurants.

What it does:

  1. scrap world's best restaurant list
  2. create a new list in Google maps
  3. add markers for each entry


  1. create .env file with GOOGLE_EMAIL and GOOGLE_PASSWORD values
$ touch .env && echo GOOGLE_EMAIL= >> .env && echo GOOGLE_PASSWORD= >> .env
  1. run generate script
$ yarn run generate


Here's a list of possible args

arg description default
skipList skip creation of Google Maps list false
year year inserted in list name above (note: does not affect what year it'll fetch data for) [current year]
label name of the Google Maps Places list World's Best Restaurants [last year]
2fa whether or not to expect 2fa when signing into google true
debug display excess debug logs true