Edmodo::API - Edmodo Ruby API client
A Ruby wrapper for the Edmodo REST API.
gem install edmodo-api
- Get an Edmodo Publisher Account at http://www.edmodo.com/publishers-requests.
- Initialize an edmodo-api object passing your api key.
- Start calling Edmodo API methods.
The gem uses sandbox mode by default. Use :mode => :production to use it on production environments
You can set the environment EDMODO_API_KEY and the gem will use it if you pass nil as the api_key when you create an instance
client = Edmodo::API::Client.new(api_key , :mode => :production)
client.launchRequests "5c18c7"
The gem raises EdmodoApiError exceptions if a request doesn't return with status code 200 or if a key cannot be found on initialization
This gem is not associated with Edmodo so please contact them for Edmodo specific questions
You're welcome to fork this project and send pull requests. Just remember to include specs.
- Find a way to pass a string as query params to a POST requests when using HTTParty to finish implementing the methods that are not supported yet
- Thinking about adding all the requests name into an array and overriding the Ruby method_missing method to DRY up the client code
- launchRequests
- users
- groups
- groupsForUser
- members
- classmates
- teachers
- teachermates
- teacherConnections
- assignmentsComingDue
- gradesSetByAppForUser
- gradesSetByAppForGroup
- badgesAwarded
- eventsByApp
- parents
- children
- profiles
- registerBadge
- updateBadge
- awardBadge
- revokeBadge
- newGrade
- setGrade
- newEvent
- addToLibrary
- setNotification
- UserPost
- turnInAssignment
- NewEvent
- AddToLibrary