Celebration Station - Front End Capstone

Celebration Station is an app to keep track of celebratory events while providing a way to organize gift ideas and budgets correlating to those events.

Project Goals

  • Gain freelance work experience by working with a “client”
  • Increase proficiency debugging in React
  • Increase comfort level with implementing React libraries

Getting Started


  • JSON Server
  • React


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install in the root directory of the project
  3. Open a new tab in the terminal and run json-server -p 8088 -w database.json
  4. In the original tab, run npm start
  5. Use test@mail.com to view dummy data or create a new account

Planning Materials

ERD: https://dbdiagram.io/d/5f87561f3a78976d7b77abf3

Wireframe: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_ki8Gtlw=/