Blood Oath Lab

In this project, we will be practicing object relationships in Ruby, with a particular emphasis on the has_many through relationship (aka: many-to-many). Please read the whole README before writing any code!


You've been approached by your local cult leaders to build out a foundation for a new app they are all using to gather recruits. As the open-minded freelancers that you are, you've agreed to do so!

Setup (Code Overview)

Before you begin, first run the following command in your terminal to install the dependencies required for this lab:

bundle install

You can now add all of your Ruby files for your models in the app/models folder. You do not need to require them. They will be required for you automagically so long as you use the tools/console.rb file to run your code.

Through this file, we've provided to you a console that you can use to test your code. To enter a console session, run ruby tools/console.rb from the command line. You'll be able to test out the methods that you write here. Take a look at that file to see how you can pre-define variables and create object instances, rather than manually doing it in every single console session.

Your Job

Your goal is to build out all of the methods listed in the deliverables. Do your best to follow Ruby best practices. For example, use higher-level array methods such as map, select, and find when appropriate in place of each.


Domain Modeling

First step is to model the domain you are building out. As a non-discriminatory cult recruitment platform, Cults will have many Followers while Followers will be allowed to join many Cults. How do they keep track of this? BloodOaths of course! You cannot join a Cult without making a BloodOath.

  • What are your models?
  • What does your schema look like?
  • What are the relationships between your models?

Basic Class Attributes and Methods

With your domain modeled, you now need to build out some basic functionality so both Cults and Followers can use your platform to make BloodOaths. A social network of cults if you will. So general searching type functionality.

Questions you should ask yourself:

  • Do I need any other attributes?
  • Should I write any other methods?
  • Am I following Single Source of Truth?


  • Cult#name
    • returns a String that is the cult's name
  • Cult#location
    • returns a String that is the city where the cult is located
  • Cult#founding_year
    • returns an Integer that is the year the cult was founded
  • Cult#slogan
    • returns a String that is this cult's slogan
  • Cult#recruit_follower
    • takes in an argument of a Follower instance and adds them to this cult's list of followers
  • Cult#cult_population
    • returns an Integer that is the number of followers in this cult
  • Cult.all
    • returns an Array of all the cults
  • Cult.find_by_name
    • takes a String argument that is a name and returns a Cult instance whose name matches that argument
  • Cult.find_by_location
    • takes a String argument that is a location and returns an Array of cults that are in that location
  • Cult.find_by_founding_year
    • takes an Integer argument that is a year and returns all of the cults founded in that year


  • Follower#name
    • returns a String that is the follower's name
  • Follower#age
    • returns an Integer that is the age of the follower
  • Follower#life_motto
    • returns a String that is the follower's life motto
  • Follower#cults
    • returns an Array of this follower's cults
  • Follower#join_cult
    • takes in an argument of a Cult instance and adds this follower to the cult's list of followers
  • Follower.all
    • returns an Array of all the followers
  • Follower.of_a_certain_age
    • takes an Integer argument that is an age and returns an Array of followers who are the given age or older


  • BloodOath#initiation_date
    • returns a String that is the initiation date of this blood oath in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • BloodOath.all
    • returns an Array of all the blood oaths

Advanced Methods - Analytics!

Our cult social network platform is working well. Let's first make a commit!

Now we want to build out some useful features so Cults and Followers and get more value out of our app.


  • Cult#average_age
    • returns a Float that is the average age of this cult's followers
  • Cult#my_followers_mottos
    • prints out all of the mottos for this cult's followers
  • Cult.least_popular
    • returns the Cult instance who has the least number of followers :(
  • Cult.most_common_location
    • returns a String that is the location with the most cults


  • Follower#my_cults_slogans
    • prints out all of the slogans for this follower's cults
  • Follower.most_active
    • returns the Follower instance who has joined the most cults
  • Follower.top_ten
    • returns an Array of followers; they are the ten most active followers


  • BloodOath.first_oath
    • returns the Follower instance for the follower that made the very first blood oath


Our platform is done! Let's commit our code!

Now one highly requested feature from Followers using your app that you plan to paywall ($$$) is to see your fellow cult members. See if you can implement this method.

  • Follower#fellow_cult_members
    • returns a unique Array of followers who are in the same cults as you

A highly requested feature from Cults using your app that you plan to paywall ($$$) is to restrict ages for recruits. See if you can implement this functionality.

  • Cult#minimum_age
    • returns an Integer that is the minimum age required for followers joining this cult
  • Cult#recruit_follower
    • takes in an argument of a Follower instance and adds them to this cult's list of followers
    • NOW this is changed such that if the given Follower instance is not of age:
      • do not let them join the cult
      • print out a friendly message informing them that they are too young
  • Follower#join_cult
    • takes in an argument of a Cult instance and adds this follower to the cult's list of followers
    • NOW this is changed such that if you don't meet the minimum age requirement of the given Cult instance:
      • do not let them join the cult
      • print out a friendly message informing them that they are too young

Congrats on finishing your cult social network platform. Time to rake in the $$$!