
Transform doT.js template files into template functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Transforms doT files to template functions

Compatible only with Parcel 2, and uses the latest 2.0 beta release of doT.js


npm install parcel-transformer-dot
yarn add parcel-transformer-dot

In your .parcelrc add:

"transformers": {
  "*.dot": ["parcel-transformer-dot"]


Optionally, add the following config to your package.json file, the defaults are shown below:

    "parcel-transformer-dot": {
        "argName": "it",
        "strip": "true",
        "selfContained": "false",
        // "defsDir": undefined

Import your doT template:

<!-- template.dot -->
<div class="content">
    {{= message }}
// index.js
import templateFunction from './template.dot'
const data = { message: "hello world" }
document.body.innerHTML = templateFunction( data );

doT Usage


<div>Hi {{=it.name}}!</div>
<div>{{=it.age || ''}}</div>


You can just write valid Javascript.. no need for anything as unwieldy and bloated as the Handlebars Helpers!

{{ for(var prop in it) { }}
{{ } }}


See below for re-useable partials




Can stack as many "if-else's" as you need

{{? it.name }}
<div>Oh, I love your name, {{=it.name}}!</div>
{{?? it.age === 0}}
<div>Guess nobody named you yet!</div>
You are {{=it.age}} and still don't have a name?

Array and Object Iteration

<div data-key="{{=key}}">{{=value}}</div>

<div data-index="{{=index}}">{{=value}}</div>

Inline Files

There is a built in compile time helper to read and embed other text files into your template.

{{#def.loadfile("./src/assets/yourfile.svg") }}

Partials + #def

Make sure to specify in the package.json file:

"parcel-transformer-dot": {
    "defsDir": "src/templates/defs/"


A relative path (local to your package.json file) specifying a directory of .dot files. Each file must specify only one doT partial. The name of the file is for your organization only. The partial should be defined as follows:

    <div class="thing"> Partial: {{= my_paramter }} </div>

Then, in any of your standard templates, you may access these re-useable partials. Partials are only prepended to the templates that make use them.



  • doT - The fastest + most concise javascript template engine for nodejs and browsers
  • Parcel - Zero configuration bundler