
A simple paginated react-native ListView with a few customization options

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


A simple paginated react-native ListView with a few customization options, usefull for working with paginated data. It can either auto fetch data - like an infinite scrolling list - or it can render a "load more" button and a loading spinner.


npm install react-native-paginated-listview --save

Basic Usage

Import the component

import PaginatedListView from 'react-native-paginated-listview'

  renderRow={(rowData) => {
    return (<Text>{rowData}</Text>);


  • onFetch: function(pageNumber) Method that return a promise and resolve the array of data to add to the ListView

  • itemsPerPage: number The number of items in each page, needed so that the ListView knows when its reached the end of the data

  • initialData: array [optional] The initial data to populate the ListView with

  • paginationEnabled: boolean [defaults to true] Whether or not pagination is enabled

  • autoFetch: boolean [defaults to true] Whether or not PaginatedListView should auto fetch new data when it reaches the end

  • renderFetchMoreComponent: function [optional] A function that should return the component to be displayed when the end of the data is reached and auto fetch is set to false

  • renderLoadingComponent: function [optional] A function that should return the component to be displayed when data is loading