work in progress, in sudo mode can write to SD card on macs
and get
are only resources currently working (on mac)
Use at own risk
rpi-tool [<resource>] <action> <param1> <param2> ...
Lists all images currently available locally
rpi-tool list
Runs the installation suite
rpi-tool install
Downloads a direct download or torent of a image
rpi-tool get [link]
Writes an image to an SD card
rpi-tool write [image]
Options: --version, -v print rpi version and exit [string] --colors --no-colors will disable output coloring [boolean] [default: true] --confirm, -c prevents rpi from asking before overwriting/removing things [boolean] [default: false] --raw rpi will only output line-delimited raw JSON (useful for piping) [boolean]