
A nodejs chat bot for the Assemble Web Chat server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Assemble Chat Bot

This is a simple framework to enable simple creation of bots that connect to the Assemble Web Chat server.

Please fork and contribute your bot scripts!


First copy the config.sample.js file to config.js, then copy in a user token (the part after the # in the url) from the server you wish to connect to.

npm install
nodejs main-bot.js <bot-name> <room-names,...>

Creating a bot

To create a bot, add a .js file to the bots folder that exports the following function signatures.

exports.init = function(socket, rooms, config) {...};

exports.shutdown = function(socket, finished_callback) {...};

exports.onmessage = function(socket, mdata) {...};

exports.onroomjoin = function(socket, name, room_id) {...}

Note: Its not necessary to store any of the init parameters except for the config.token value (if you wish to send messages back in-chat)

Example message send

exports.onmessage = function(socket, mdata) {
    if (mdata.m.indexOf("@echo")==0) {
        console.log("@echo:", mdata.nick, "-", mdata.m.substring(5));
        socket.emit('chatm', JSON.stringify({"t": token, "room": mdata.room, "m": mdata.m.substring(5), "dur":"1m"}));

mdata example:

    avatar: '',
    dur: '48h',
    m: 'some message',
    name: 'Lobby',
    room: 'lobby',
    nick: 'echobot',
    time: 1400030400,

Note: There is no protection against infinite message loops. Likewise the onmessage function is called even for the bot's own messages. Be careful!