
Maven Unit and Integration Test Guide (MaUI Test Guide)

Primary LanguageJava

Maven Unit / Integration Test Guide (MaUI Test Guide)

Describe the best practice for doing unit and integrations tests in Maven.

The Idea of this module based on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-1563.


Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004


The Maven Unit Integration Test Guide http://khmarbaise.github.com/maui


  • MaUI Test Guide



  • First description about unit test and integration test done.


  • Integration test into separate module

    • examples how to use cargo?
  • Maven Plugin Development

    • Unit Test examples
    • Integration test examples
      • for example with Maven Invoker Plugin
  • Maven Unit Testing

    • Example for multiple usage:
      • copy xyz-test.jar into target/test folder (dependency:unpack) run the tests there..
  • Reporting Unit Tests results

  • Reporting code coverage results

  • Reporting Integration test results

  • Reporting Integration test coverage results.

Naming Convention for the examples

  • Prefixes of the projects:

    mp - Maven Plugin

    ut - Unit Test

    it - Integration Test

    ut- - Unit Test

    it- - Integration Tests

    mp-it-... - Maven Plugin - Integration Test