
My ~

Primary LanguagePython

There's no place like ~

This is set of my personal dotfiles, scripts, themes, playbooks and other belongings I carry around everywhere where I get account. This repo isn't meant for clone and use; it's more like garage where you might find some interesting parts for your own thing.

~ Layout

My usual ~ directory looks like this (including directories that aren't part of this repository):

  • bin/ - custom scripts, first item in my $PATH
  • blog/ - sources of my blog
  • desk/ - desktop directory
  • docs/ - documents
    • papers -> drive/papers- interesting papers
  • downl/ - downloads
    • arch/ - archived downloads
  • drive/ - cloud drive directory (synced by daemon e.g. rclone)
  • local -> .local/- home variant of /usr/local
    • go/ - local $GOPATH, only for tools
    • node/ - local Node.js modules directory
    • share/- home variant of /usr/local/share (fonts, icons, etc.)
  • ops/ - ops related stuff
    • ansible/- Ansible playbooks to setup my workstation/VM/WSL, etc.
    • choco/- local Chocolatey packages
    • dockerfiles/- general purpose Dockerfiles
    • ubuntu/- various Ubuntu related things (e.g. autoinstall)
  • mail/ - maildir(s)
  • pics/ - pictures
  • music/ - music
  • videos/ - videos
  • pub/ - public directory (accessible to other system users)
  • public_html/ - contents of ://host/~blami if host runs webserver
  • sandbox/ - [sandbox][] directory for various experiments
  • tmpl/ - all sorts of [templates][] of licenses, Makefiles, etc.
  • src/ - [src][] where most of my work (and leisure) lives
  • .config - XDG_CONFIG directory with all configs
  • .profile.d - snippets sourced by Zsh on start to setup env vars, etc.
  • .zsh[_local]/ - various custom zsh commands, widgets and prompts
  • .zsh* - zsh dotfiles

_local Files

Most of my configuration is made in way that it includes also _local variants. These are plugin files that make sense only in certain environment (e.g. at work). E.g. my .gitconfig includes .gitconfig_local if that exists and that might override certain options. At work or in various other places I use _place naming convention and then my own bin/mklocallinks script to symlink _place to _local.