
ISCSO 2019: The Ninth International Student Competition in Structural Optimization

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Team Pymoo - ISCSO 2019

Julian Blank, Yash Vesikar

Michigan State Universtity

The following are instruction to install and run the optimizer for the ISCSO competition.

  1. Clone this repository onto a machine with Matlab installed.

    git clone https://github.com/julesy89/pymoo-iscso19.git

  2. If you have Anaconda installed you may want to create a new conda enviornment to install the necessary dependencies.

    conda create -n <name> python=3.6

    Otherwise you may want to install Anaconda, or use some other form of virtual enviornment for python like virtualenv. Must be python 3.5+.

  3. Install all the required dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Follow instructions here to install Python-Matlab dependency.

  5. Now you can run either the Jupyer notebook in final/FinalSubmission.ipynb or run the file final/FinalSubmission.py to see the best result. The final best result is stored within the result object res. To see the final solution variables use: res.pop.get("X")[np.argmin(res.pop.get("F")[:, 0])]