
My setup for HP-41 MCODE (Machine Language) projects

Primary LanguageShell

HP-41 MCODE Example Project on OSX

This is my setup for HP-41 MCODE (Machine Language) projects. It uses the HP-41 Software Software Development Toolkit (SDK41) available from the HP-41 Archive Web Site to compile, link and debug the project. As the SDK41 binaries are DOS programs, I use the amazing DOSBox emulator to run them.

As my personal computer is a MacBook Pro running OSX, you probably have to adjust a few things if you're on a Linux system. Windows users may give Cygwin a try.

To follow the explanations below, you should be familiar with the basic usage of SDK41.


First, you have to install DOSBox and make sure it runs fine. Afterwards, get SDK41 and copy it to a folder of your choice. Set the environment variable SDK41 to point to this directory.

If you also want to deploy the final ROM image to your HP-41CL calculator you have to set environment variable CLUPDATE to the pathname of the clupdate.jar tool and environment variable USBSERIAL to the device name of your USB serial connector (on my system the device name is /dev/tty.usbserial-A1068IY7).

Project Organization

The root of the project folder contains the build script build.sh. It's a simple bash script offering the following build targets:

  • clean: remove all build output files
  • build: build the MCODE project ROM image
  • test (depends on build): run the HP-41 emulator for this project
  • deploy (depends on build): deploy the ROM image to a HP-41CL calculator

The MCODE source files as well as the linker file (.lnk) and the loader file (.lod) are located below the src subfolder. Please note that these files must use CR LF line terminators. Usually, editors allow to choose which line terminators to use when saving a file. If you want to check if the source files have the proper line endings, you can execute the following command:

> file src/*

The build subfolder will contain all the output files of the build process and the standard ROM images from SDK41.


  • Clone this project.
  • Change to the project folder.
  • Run ./build.sh to build the example ROM image.
  • run ./build.sh test to build and run the example ROM image in the HP-41 emulator.

Deploy to HP-41CL Calculator

The deploy build target assumes that the clupdate tool is available on your computer and that your HP-41CL calculator is connected. In parallel to the build command you have to run a small program on your HP-41CL calculator to receive the ROM image. I use something like:


Adjust it to your personal needs and preferences.

Implementation Notes

If you know bash a little bit, the build script should be mostly self-explanatory. Anyway, here are some details about it.

  • Function guessProjectName() is a bit hacky and ad-hoc because it derives the project name from the file title of the linker file.
  • You may notice that the A41 compiler is never called directly. Instead, the function createDosBuildScript() runs the L41 linker with option /a. This implicitly runs the assembler if the source file is newer than the object file. This is not only convenient but has the advantage that redirection of standard output works well for L41 but (for some reason) not for A41. The build scripts redirects stdout to build/build.log and scans it for errors.
  • Function runDosScript() illustrates how to run DOSBox. The interesting thing here are the options:
    • -Wn creates a new DOSBox instance and causes open to wait until DOSBox has exited.
    • -j launches DOSBox hidden which is convenient for compilation but for obvious reasons not for debugging.
  • Functions createDosBuildScript() and createDosTestScript() create the DOS batch files for running the compiler/linker and the emulator inside DOSBox. Note that I run the emulator with option /j so it uses Jacobs/De Arras instructions. That's just a matter of personal taste.
  • Function lowerCaseFileNames() converts the uppercase DOS file names to lower case. Again, a matter of personal taste (and perhaps of easier and faster file name completion).


I guess you already know the following web sites:

  • The HP-41 Archive web site contains a lot of interesting information about the HP-41 calculator.
  • If you have any questions about HP calculators have a look at the forum on The Museum of HP Calculators. There are many friendly HP calculator enthusiasts that are willing to share their knowledge and experience.
  • Systemyde 41CL, the ultimate upgrade of your HP-41 calculator.