Bookstore-Microservice - Chris Bookstore

CS302 Final Project
Developed by: Team 9
Edwin Tok Wei Liang, Ezekiel Ong Young, Jerome Goh Ting Chuan, Miguel Alonzo Ortega, Tay Wei Jie


Simple bookstore application to showcase CI/CD and DevOps practices.

Getting Started

Building a local version of our application with mock databases and message queues

  1. Open a terminal in the root directory
  2. Run docker compose up --build
  3. After a few minutes, all the services should be fully built
  4. The end-to-end test should show 13/13 passes
    If there are health check failures ie. the tests are ran before the containers have start up, increase the delay in /orders_test/tests/
  5. Check out our key API in DemoClient.http to recreate the key use cases.
    *The id to be used in the API may be different. Please use GET calls to ensure that the users/products/order id are present