
Urban Terror official auto-updater

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

UrTUpdater v4


This is the official repository for the Urban Terror Auto-Updater software. Check it out on http://www.urbanterror.info

This software is under the LGPL v2.1 licence. See the LICENCE file for more information.

Authors: Charles @Barbatos Duprey and Jean-Philippe @holblin Zolesio

Copyright (C) 2013-2015 FrozenSand / 0870760 B.C. Ltd

Feel free to fork this repository and send pull requests. :)

Compiling on Windows, Linux and Mac

We recommand you using Qt >= 5.4.1 and Qt GUI >= 3.3.1. Open the UrTUpdater.pro file with Qt GUI and configure it to use the compiler that suits your needs. The updater was built using the MinGW 4.8 32 bit compiler.