Discovery Assessment


  1. Build the project in terminal $ mvn clean install

  2. Run the application (The application uses a default port number of 8080 for the server) $ mvn spring-boot:run

  3. Using a testing tool like postman or any other testing tool or even a browser(preferraby chrome), execute these endpoints below to test each use case:


Use Case 4.2.1: Display transactional accounts with balances

Endpoint: 		http://localhost:8080/banking-api/transactional-accounts/1
Request Method: GET

Use Case 4.2.2: Display currency accounts with converted Rand values

Endpoint: 		http://localhost:8080/banking-api/currency-accounts/1
Request Method: GET

Use Case 4.2.3: Withdraw cash

Endpoint: 		http://localhost:8080/banking-api/withdraw/250/13/1018033450/1
Request Method: PUT

Use Case 4.2.4 Reporting – Find the transactional account per client with the highest balance

Endpoint: 		http://localhost:8080/banking-api/highest-transactional-balance/1
Request Method: GET

Endpoint: 		http://localhost:8080/banking-api/clients-with-highest-transactional-balance
Request Method: GET

SQL Script can be found in the dbscripts package: 
    - dbscripts\trans-accs-max-bal.sql

Use Case 4.2.5: Reporting – Calculate aggregate financial position per client

Endpoint: 	    http://localhost:8080/banking-api/aggregate-financial-position/1
Request Method: GET

SQL Script can be found in the dbscripts package: 
	    - dbscripts\aggr-financial-position.sql