Functional Component Contact List

Let's create a contact list using functional components and mapping.

Here is what the finished application will look like:

So let's break this down:

  1. You have a list of contacts hard coded in /src/data/contact.json

  2. You need to bring this data into your App.js

  3. You will have to create a new component to hold each individual contact ( hint you probably want to use Map here)

  4. At the very least for styling your app should be in a list of contacts down the center of the page with the photo in a circle on the left and the information on the right

  5. Bonus!!! If you want to go above and beyond create the layout shown in the GIF on this page that looks like a phone screen and only shows a few contacts at a time

  6. Ultra Bonus!!! Recreate the mockup shown below in React and have the contacts render on the screen!

Have Fun!!!