
Sample react stock application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Start Here Inside this repo, run the following command to create a new react app: npx create-react-app stocks-app Use npm start to start a server that will serve your new React application: cd stocks-app npm start This will be a mobile-first project. This project will use the https://iexcloud.io API to grab stock data. Please signup on the website and grab your API secret/token. The API URL you will construct will look something like this (with your key): https://cloud.iexapis.com/stable/stock/fb/quote?token=sk_63cb8aca56dc4f5687425f679a6b62d2 Remember to use your own token/secret

Test your API URL on Postman. You should be able to query a stock on Postman. Your job will be to implement the following: A Header component A Stocks component You can do your API call inside of the Stocks component Required Your app should resemble the mockup as closely as possible - that means styling, fonts, and colors. This project will assess you CSS and Flexbox knowledge. Tips: Don't forget to npm install axios Store the tickers in state, loop through the tickers and make an API call for each ticker Use map inside of the Stock component to render each stock Use Postman