Experimental. Making rapid changes to better support the goals.
This might mean that programs and features might be removed in future releases, though, it should always be pretty easy to add them back in.
- Easy to build and install. Build and install with a few commands.
- Easy to customize. Add what ever programs and options you want, with little addtional work.
- Good defaults. The default iso should be good enough for most people.
- This makes it easy to install the needed modules in to any configuration that you need.
- You can export multiple modules, one for base, one for opinionated.
- Users can import the module, then make their own changes on top of that.
- Which module will be the default?
- a simple default system that people can build.
- install nixos
- boot up your busted nixos system.
- home away from home
- read a windows install.
- Nix command to build from the git repo
- Command to copy onto your usb.
- nixos-rebuild build-vm --flake .#default
- qemu
- example config
- add some custom stuff that you cannot do on your own.
- build command
[] search for all previous attempts, see what they can offer. [] address all todos in the doc. [] install nmap, and short guide to use it. [] Update the nixosSystems to support multiple system types. [] Provide option to set the starting shell. [] Support for wireless setup, and usage instructions. [] On usb documentation for common use cases.