
minimum html5 library for running your C++ code on web browser

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


minimum html5 library for your C++ code running on web browser


This project is under development.
Interface may change without notice.


1. Convert existing JavaScript into WebAssembly

Of course, we know story about JavaScript => TypeScript => AssemblyScript => WebAssembly . It is good solution !
Similarly, we think good about Emscripten too. It can compile from C/C++ to pure JavaScript ( with asm.js ) or WebAssembly.
Also, Emscripten supports bridge for Web Browser APIs, but not easy to use it.

So, we support easy to use bridge as if call Web Browser API in JavaScript for Emscripten.

Our goal is support to write all existing JavaScript in C++ easily. ( and convert WebAssembly )

2. Introduce Web Technology into Native Application (e.g. iOS or Android ).

We know some project that port Native Application source codes to Web Application.
But, we want to support another approach.
libhtml5 supports multi platform ( iOS / Android / Web Browser ) for HTML5 API . For example, the following code work iOS and Android and Web Browser .

html5::HTMLImageElement *image = html5::HTMLImageElement::create();
image->onload = [image](html5::Event *e){
    std::cout << "callback: onload" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "width = " << image->width << std::endl;
    std::cout << "height = " << image->height << std::endl;
    std::cout << "naturalWidth = " << image->naturalWidth << std::endl;
    std::cout << "naturalHeight = " << image->naturalHeight << std::endl;
image->src = url;

If the above code is running on iOS, HTMLImageElement work as UIImage .



Can use console.log for debug. Of course, also can use print debugging in C++ feature ( std::cout ).



html5::string is compatible String class in Browser .

html5::string s = "hello world";
for (const auto &splitted : s.split(" ")) {
    html5::string v = splitted;
    std::cout << v << std::endl;
    std::cout << "includes h? " << std::boolalpha << v.includes("h") << std::endl;


Supports multiple type into Array.

html5::array subarray;
html5::array array = {
    1, M_PI, "hello", subarray,


auto image = html5::HTMLImageElement::create();
image->onload = [](html5::Event *e){
    std::cout << "onload" << std::endl;
image->src = "https://example.com/images/01.png";


html5::fetch("https://example.com/images/01.png")->then<html5::Response *>([](html5::Response *response) {
    return response->blob();
})->then<html5::Blob *>([](html5::Blob *blob) {
    auto reader = html5::FileReader::create();
    reader->onload = [reader](html5::Event *event) {
        std::string data = reader->result;
        auto image = html5::HTMLImageElement::create();
        image->src = data;
    return nullptr;
    return nullptr;
    return nullptr;

How to use

Start docker container for building environment

$ docker-compose up -d

Build libhtml5.a

$ docker exec -it libhtml5 bash
( ... running on container ... )
$ mkdir build
$ mv build
$ ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN=1 emcmake cmake ../
$ make

Generated libhtml5.a in build directory

Build examples

$ docker exec -it libhtml5 bash
( ... running on container ... )
$ mv examples
$ mkdir build
$ mv build
$ ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN=1 emcmake cmake ../
$ make

Generated libhtml5_example.js in examples/build directory

Start simple application with libhtml5_example.js

Serve simple application

  • index.html
    <script src="libhtml5_example.js"></script>

Execute example

Open Developer Console, and executes the following.

  • Module.arrayTest()
  • Module.executeTest()
  • Module.stringTest()
  • Module.promiseTest()
  • Module.fetchImageTest("image url")