
cordova-plugin to handle push notifications

Primary LanguageJava

This Cordova-Plugin enables users to get notified by Reminder-Notifications based on destination coordinates, distance, movement and time.

Start a Reminder-Notification

Reminder.start( out success:Function, out error:Function, in options:Object ) : undefined

@param success must be a Function to be called when all went right and/or a new Remind-Notification is set.

@param error must be a Function to be called when there has been an error and/or a Remind-Notification could not be set.

@param options must be an Object to be given to adjust some Preferences:

  • mode must be a String to determine whether to show a Reminder-Notification on "aim", "track" or "status" mode,
    default: "aim"
      	  "aim": show Reminder-Notifcation when an user reaches a certain aim/destination.</br>
                    required properties:
                          <b><i>distanceTolerance</i></b> is considered to be the radius of the aim/destination in meter.
                          <b><i>aimCoord</i></b> must be an Object that holds lat/long properties to determine the location of aim/destination.
                    "track": show Reminder-Notifcation when an user reaches a certain distance.</br>
                    required properties:
                          <b><i>distance</i></b> is considered how far an user has gone in meter.
                    "status": show Reminder-Notifcation when an user comes to a stop so fell below or exceeded a certain gone distance per time. Either way it is tested whether movement status has changed(go/stop | stop/go) for a Reminder-Notification is shown.</br>
                    required properties:
                          <b><i>distance</i></b> is considered to be the radius an user has to exceed or fall below to be notified by Reminder-Notifications. 
                          <b><i>interval</i></b> is considered how often a geolocation measure is executed.
           <li><b><i>distanceTolerance</i></b> must be a Number to omit possibly fluctuations, by default all distance-alterations that fall below 10 meter are taken into consideration with all modes. </br><b>default: 10</b></li>
        <li><b><i>aimCoord</i></b> must be an Object that holds latitude and longitude to determine aim/destination coordinates. </br><b>default: latitude 0, longitude 0</b></li>
            <li><b><i>title</i></b> must be a String to be shown as title within Reminder-Notification, </br><b>default: "Reminder-Notification"</b></li>
        <li><b><i>content</i></b> must be a String to be shown as content-text within a Reminder-Notification. Within content there can be a #ML-Notation(linear-distance) that is replaced by the actual gone meters and #MR(radius-distance) for instance "You went #ML meters! within a radius of #MR" is shown within a Reminder-Notification where #ML/#MR are Numbers representing linear/radius-distance.</br> <b>default: "Reminder-Content"</b></li>
        <li><b><i>interval</i></b> must be a Number in Milliseconds to be gone to show a Reminder-Notification, </br><b>default: 60000(1 minute)</b></li>
        <li><b><i>distance</i></b> must be a Number in Meter to be reached to show a Reminder-Notification, </br><b>default: 100</b></li>
        <li><b><i>aggressive</i></b> must be a Boolean to determine whether geolocation measurement of modes "aim" and "track" should be executed aggressively or not. When "status" mode is used this option is set to <b>false</b>, </br><b>default: true</b></li>
        <li><b><i>whistle</i></b> must be a Boolean to enable/disable Whistle-Sound. </br><b>default: true</b></li>
        <li><b><i>closeApp</i></b> must be a Boolean to-close/not-to-close App. This option is not supported by WP8. </br><b>default: true</b></li>
        <li><b><i>stopDate</i></b> must be a String to indicate Reminder should run forever or being stopped next Day, ("forever" | "tomorrow") </br><b>default: "forever"</b></li>

      @return undefined

A Reminder-Notification example of all modes:

"aim": When a user has reached a certain aim/destination whithin 30 meters and 1 minute has passed(default) since it has been started a Reminder-Notification is shown. This measurement is done in a lazy way(aggressive off).

    console.log("Reminder success")
    console.log("Reminder error",e);
    title: "Reminder",
    content: "You have reached your destination!",
    mode: "aim",
    // required properties
    distanceTolerance: 30,
    aggressive: false

"track": When an user has gone 150 meter and 10 seconds have passed a Reminder-Notification is shown and do not take 10 meter movement fluctuation into consideration. This measurement is done in an aggressive way so current locations are queried all the time(aggressive on).

    console.log("Reminder success")
    console.log("Reminder error",e);
    title: "Reminder",
    content: "You have gone #ML within a radius of #MR in meter!",
    interval: 10000,
    mode: "track",
    // required properties
    distance: 150,
    distanceTolerance : 10

"status": All 45 seconds it is tested whether an user exceeded or fell below 100 meter distance.This measurement is done in a lazy way(aggressive off)

    console.log("Reminder success")
    console.log("Reminder error",e);
    title: "Reminder",
    content: "You have come to a stop while you have gone #MR in meter!",
    mode: "status",
    // required properties
    interval: 45000,
    distance: 100

Clear/Cancel a Remind-Notification

Reminder.clear( out success:Function, out error:Function ) : undefined

@param success must be a Function to be called when all went right and/or a new Remind-Notification is cleared.

@param error must be a Function to be called when there has been an error and/or a Remind-Notification could not be cleared.

@return undefined

       console.log("Reminder cleared")
       console.log("Reminder cleared error",e);

Check for Reminder is running

Reminder.isRunning( out success:Function, out error:Function ) : undefined

@param success must be a Function to be called when all went right and a result is returned as Object-parameter to check whether Reminder is running.

@param error must be a Function to be called when there has been an error.

@return undefined

      console.log("Reminder isRunning",result.isRunning);
      console.log("Reminder isRunning error",e);

Make a request to GPS-Provider

Reminder.requestProvider( out success:Function, out error:Function ) : undefined

@param success must be a Function to be called when all went right and a result is returned as Object-parameters containing provider information (see at example)

@param error must be a Function to be called when there has been an error.

@return undefined

      console.log("Reminder requestProvider: ",info);	
      console.log("Reminder accurancy: ",info.coords.accurancy);	
      console.log("Reminder latitude: ",info.coords.latitude);	
      console.log("Reminder longitude: ",info.coords.longitude);	
      console.log("Reminder heading: ",info.coords.heading);
      console.log("Reminder altitude: ",info.coords.altitude);
      console.log("Reminder speed: ",info.coords.speed);	
      console.log("Reminder gps_fix: ",info.coords.gps_fix);
      console.log("Reminder provider_enabled: ",info.coords.provider_enabled);	
      console.log("Reminder out_of_service: ",info.coords.out_of_service);

      console.log("Reminder timestamp: ",info.timestamp);	
      console.log("Reminder requestProvider",e);

Supported Platforms:

  • Android(Jelly Bean, Version: >= 4.1, API: >= 16)
  • Windows Phone 8 (WP8)


GNU: Basically this software can be used and modified freely and without any restrictions but replace Icon, Images and other visual Resources in this Project when using it publicly.