
a clustering algorithm writen in javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Project is made for a Bachelor-Thesis, so you may have to rewrite and modify some code before using OPTICS in you own Project. The Clustering-Algorithm OPTICS is implemented purely in JavaScript as are the Files in this Project. There are some Examples in this Project that can be used right now after downloading.

The HTML-File with HTML5-Webworker (optics_cluster_with_webworker.html) should be considered as a way to search for optimal Parameter-Values for OPTICS in a very short time, this File is also the aspect behind which this Project is made.

But there are other HTML-Files (optics_cluster_without_webworker.hmlt, parameter_selection.html) too that you can try out OPTICS manually with.

Hope this Project helps others in some way and most of all have fun when experimenting with OPTICS.