
Creating typescript utilities faster.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Typescript utility library

This project is a template to create a typescript utility library based on Vinodh Kumar tutorial.

This template is configured to use:

Feature Technology used
Package manager PNPM
Framework React
Package bundler Vite
Programming language Typescript
Basic linting ESLint
Code formatting Prettier
Test Vitest + testing-library/react
Linting only staged files lint-staged

How to use ?

  1. Install node>=18.16.1 et pnpm globally.

  2. Create a repo from this template and execute :

    cd repo/
    pnpm install
  3. Change package name and version everywhere

    // in package.json
     "name": "xxxxx",
     "version": "x.x.x",
     "main": "./dist/xxxxx.umd.cjs",
     "module": "./dist/xxxxx.js",
     "exports": {
     	".": {
     		"import": "./dist/xxxxx.js",
     		"require": "./dist/xxxxx.umd.cjs"
    // in vite.config.js
    export default defineConfig({
    	name: "xxxxx", // will be export under this name in umd
    	fileName: "xxxxx", // the name of the file to export