
A very simple gesture recognition technique using opencv and python

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Gesture Recognition

A very simple gesture recognition technique using opencv and python


Before going on into much details and wasting your time just watch this video to get an idea of what I have done. Here is the first video and the second one. Watch and also follow me :p

What have I done

Since I am wearing a yellow cap in my fingers, I use that to segment the yellow colour which makes it a lot easier to get the gesture. Here are the steps that I have followed:

  1. Take one frame at a time and convert it from RGB colour space to HSV colour space for better yellow colour segmentation.
  2. Use a mask for yellow colour.
  3. Bluring and thresholding.
  4. If a yellow colour is found and it crosses a reasonable threshold, we start to create a gesture.
  5. The direction of movement of the yellow cap is calculated by taking the difference between the old center and the new center of the yellow colour after every 5th iteration.
  6. The directions are taken and stored in a list until the yellow cap disappears from the frame.
  7. The direction list is processed and the processed direction list is used to take a certain action.

Gestures that I have right now

  1. Square - Start menu
  2. Cross - Close
  3. C - Copy
  4. A - Select all
  5. N - Create new file
  6. V - Paste
  7. L - Lock the computer
  8. T - Display task manager
  9. > - Alt+tab
  10. < - Alt+Shift+Tab
  11. <> - Take a photo
  12. [] - Screenshot
  13. Square and line - Open text editor


  1. Since I am using threads in the program the first thing you need to do is go to the site mentioned and apply the solution given. Here is the website https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36809788/importerror-no-module-named-thread
  2. You need additional imutils functionalities. These can be found here https://github.com/jrosebr1/imutils.


First run the range-detector.py to set the range for the mask for colour segmentation and then press q when the perfect range is found. Then start the gesture_action.py. No need to change anything in the gesture_action.py file.

python3 range-detector.py -f HSV -w
python3 gesture_action.py

Got a question?

If you have any questions that are bothering you please contact me on my facebook profile. Just do not ask me questions like where do I live, who do I work for etc. Also no questions like what does this line do. If you think a line is redundant or can be removed to make the program better then you can obviously ask me or make a pull request.